Friday, June 12, 2009

Benefits of Natural Skincare and Why They Cost More Than Common Chemical Ones

I think everyone can agree that your skin is a living and breathing organ that is 100 percent natural - correct. Therefore, one should naturally assume that you take care of it as naturally as possible to maintain it in the healthiest fashion possible. It is not a piece of car although performs as a mechanism that transports you from one place to another while protecting its passengers of delicate internal organs, tissues, muscles and so forth. However, just like car, if you do not take care of it, it will begin to deteriorate. And if you do not take care of it properly you can speed the deterioration rate. If you threw water in the gas tank of a car you can bet you are going to put it out of commission and end up spending a lot of money to get it up and running again. If you let your car sit out in the rain day in and out, you will eventually see rust if you have done nothing to protect it. Your skin is the same way. If you were to throw things in your body that you know are not conducive to maintaining its health and well being such as chemicals your health, and the health of your skin will begin to worsen in the fashion of loss of resilience, tone, texture, and a slew load of other problems. Moreover, applying products to your skin that you know are not advantageous to its health is only adding insult to injury. Just like your vehicle, you want it to last as long as possible and still look good. The only difference is, when your car no longer runs, you can trade it in, when your skin dies, your done. Therefore, it should be understood that you should only treat your body, and skin,with the most natural products to maintain its optimal health and beauty.

When you use chemical based products for topical care of your skin, you may not see the immediate damage it is causing. You may even see some temporary improvements of the targeted problems you are trying to reverse. However, here is how chemicals play trickery on your skin, and over time do more damage then they ever could good. Chemicals store in your body. What you put on your skin is absorbed into your system, lodging in other organs, tissues and even your blood stream. This accumulation over time can result in some pretty serious side effects for the user. Out of the chemicals used in skin care products, over 33% of them can be linked to causing cancer. Therefore, what you are putting on your face today in later years can show up as cancer. This accumulation of chemical being stored in ones body is even more dangerous for women. If you are still in your childbearing years and even remotely are considering having children, you should stop all use of chemically based skin care products. The accumulation of these toxins stored in your body can seriously affect the health of your yet unborn child.

If four out of five skin or hair care products that you use contain a highly toxic chemical such as Parabens, your body becomes a toxic dump. When considering breast feeding you can pass these toxins right to your child. Your waste and toxin elimination organs (Liver, Kidneys, and Skin) can only dispose of so much. If in taking toxins through your daily diet, skincare routine, and environmentally, you put your system in serious overload. Your blood circulation becomes sluggish, and other problems will begin to present themselves. Your skin will show signs in aging much quicker then if you had been treating your body like a temple rather then a dumping ground. Your skin will lose its luster, tone, texture, and resilience, present with wrinkles, acne, discoloration, excessive fatty tissue build up, and numerous other things that can totally change ones appearance. But what is worse is that most of these things are the issues you started using the toxic chemicals for in the first place to diminish or prevent. It becomes a mad cycle with no end while increasing your risks for cancer.

Had you been using natural products in your skin care routine followed by a healthy diet you would have kept the natural radiance of your skin and achieved a healthier body and skin. Your skin is the largest organ on your body. It already has to battle an abundance of free radicals in the environment daily to help keep you healthy. You know how you feel when the boss lays the workload on you heavy, how drained you become, often times sick, and without any extra pay. Well think of how your body, and skin, feels when you subject it to unnecessary work, just as you would like to strike, your body does too, however when your body strikes it only hurts you!

One of the biggest complaints heard, or excuse anyhow, that people give for not using natural skincare products is their cost. However, they do not give it a second thought when they are purchasing products that have short-term effects that only turn around and cause more of the issues that they were trying to eliminate in the first place. You never hear anyone complain about how healthy natural skincare products are, and the wonderful long lasting results achieved from using them, just the cost. Have you ever heard anyone complain about the heightened risks of contracting cancer from natural skincare products? No, I am sure you have not. Alternatively, have you ever heard anyone complain that by using natural skincare products that you are putting your future children’s lives at risk? No, I am sure you haven’t. Is your health and the health of your yet to be born children worth a few pennies more? I am sure it is. Natural skin care products do take more to produce and test. They take the extra time needed to make sure that the product is not only 100% safe for you and your family but also safe for the environment. Production methods used to produce natural skincare products are earth friendly as well. Producers of true natural skin care products do not only look at the product alone, they look at the full picture, from ones health to the health of the environment. Although the time and effort put in to the creation of natural skin care products may cost a bit more then chemically based products, the benefits far out weight the few pennies.

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